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Safety: We adhere to the utmost level of patient care to guarantee that our patients undergo technically proficient and secure surgeries, minimizing any discomfort or recovery time. To guarantee this, we employ the most stringent established procedures and actively engage in continuous, cutting-edge training, education, and scientific advancements to remain significantly ahead of current practices.

Compassion: We believe that every individual should receive personalized, non-judgmental care that demonstrates sincere kindness, empathy, and comprehension of their distinct, delicate, and emotional experience.

Attentiveness: We acknowledge and value the significant commitment our patients make towards their own well-being (and towards us), in terms of trust, courage, time, and financial resources. As a result, we meticulously focus on all aspects, regardless of their size, that contribute to improving each patient’s experience and results.

Passion: Our commitment to our work is unwavering as the well-being and lasting happiness of individuals rely on our combined expertise.


To effectively resolve a patient’s issue, address their worries, or assist them in achieving their aspirations; it is imperative to commence by attentively listening with undivided and concentrated focus. We can only provide excellent service to our patients by engaging in fully attentive listening.

Enlighten A content; self-assured individual is a thoroughly informed one. Hence, we consistently ensure that the duration required for a patient to acquire comprehensive knowledge regarding all aspects of their treatment, including surgical procedures and post-operative care, is never compromised.
Support: We provide mutual assistance and encouragement as a highly efficient team, without selfishness or hierarchy. We provide unwavering support to our patients throughout their entire experience with us, extending our assistance well beyond the completion of their surgery.

Attention: The concept of care encompasses various intricacies within our profession. It is multifaceted. No other clinical care surpasses ours. The quality of our patient care is characterized by meticulous attention, seamless coordination, and comprehensive provision. The inherent concern we possess for individuals and their well-being, as well as our understanding of the complexities of human existence, is an innate quality that cannot be taught. This characteristic is deeply embedded in the essence of every individual we employ.

Strive for Excellence Daily: In the competitive field of plastic surgery, there is no margin for mediocrity. We ensure that our team, patients, and profession receive only the highest quality by consistently delivering it every day with unwavering dedication.

Contact us and design your dream body

8181 NW 154th St, Suite 230, Miami Lakes, Fl, 33016

305-381-0079 — info@divineplasticsurgery.com

Working Hours:
Monday – Friday: 9 Am To 6 Pm
Saturday: 9 Am To 2 Pm – Sunday: Closed

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